Shipment costs
When you place an order at you pay € 4.95 for shipment costs per order. When an order amounts to € 180.00 or more the shipment is free of charge.
Delivery address
When you place an order at, you can decide to have the package delivered at your own address, but it is also possible to give an alternative address. However, your order cannot be delivered at a PO Box address.
Delivery time
When you place an order with us before 14.00 hours in the afternoon, your order will be delivered at the address stated by you within 4 working days. This does not apply to orders placed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. We send your package through DHL. The delivery time can be a bit longer than our standard during very busy sale periodes.
Follow your package
After you placed an order at, you will receive an e-mail including a Track & Trace link. With this e-mail you can follow your package. When you are not at home to receive your order, the DHL driver will leave a note behind with contact details, in order to make an appointment to deliver your package. When the driver also fails the second time to deliver the package, you can collect your package in the closest-by branch or the closest-by package shop of DHL.
We pack your package with great care, so that you will receive your order in a good condition. If this is not the case, you can contact our customer service.
After receipt
After you received your order, you still have 30 days to reflect about your purchase. If you do not want to keep the ordered items, you can return them within a period of 30 days. The items must be returned undamaged and with the attached, original label to the enclosed freepost number. When your item is damaged at the moment that you receive it, please e-mail our customer service at once: